About - Banner Image

The Office of Ordinary Things is a climate, sustainability, and social good-focused design studio based in San Francisco. Two important things to know about us:

  1. We only work with organizations who seek to benefit the earth or society (ideally both).

  2. We create work with wit and whimsy that subverts expectations, breaks clichés, and makes you look twice twice.


We’re at our best when we can work broadly and comprehensively. Most of our partnerships start with branding and extend to print, web, or packaging. Here’s a non-exhaustive list of what we can do:

  • Branding

  • Brand Strategy

  • Print and Editorial

  • Collateral (Swag)

  • Packaging

  • Web Design

  • Web Development

  • Copywriting

  • Signage

  • Wayfinding

  • Photography

  • Motion (Animation) & Video

  • 3D Modeling

Values are integral to our practice. We partner with like-minded organizations who lead with impact.

At a high level, we center:

  • Equity

  • Access

  • Sustainability

  • Honesty

  • Care

  • Intentionality

Our understanding of these values is intersectional: exploring and emphasizing how they are shaped by race, class, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, ability, and other identities/factors.

We’re most often drawn to partners working in the following areas:

  • Environmentalism, Sustainability, and Climate

  • Antiracism, Civil Rights,
    and Social Justice

  • Queer and Trans Rights

  • Animal Welfare

  • Feminism

  • Arts and Culture

  • Healthcare and Education

  • Nonprofits and Co-ops

  • Small Businesses

Typically, as long as you’re making a positive impact, we’re pretty excited to work with clients of all shapes and sizes. However, there are a few things that really grind our gears:

  1. Industries that have a disproportionately harmful effect on the planet, people, and/or animals (e.g. fossil fuels, weapons manufacturing, factory farming).

  2. Dishonest, misleading, unproven, or disingenuous marketing (e.g. oversized packaging, sketchy fine print, “healing” crystals).

  3. Profiting off of fear and insecurity (e.g. pseudoscience, predatory mysticism, body shaming, guilt-tripping).

  4. Ripping off a competitor’s style rather than finding your own voice.

View Our Social Good Resources →

Sustainability is one of the most pressing issues in design. We’re working to do better and help reshape our industry.

Design wields tremendous power and influence, often at the cost of the planet. We’re actively working to reduce our environmental impact while helping others to do the same, through:

  1. Sharing our knowledge with industry peers through the sustainability segments of our case studies.

  2. Speaking at conferences and in classrooms. We educate designers on sustainability—hoping to inspire, motivate, and catalyze sector-wide paradigm shifts.

  3. Supporting plant-based diets and proactively avoiding support of the meat industry. Our starting point is a company-wide meat-free policy.

  4. Being part of One Percent for the Planet. In 2024, we supported World Central Kitchen to help their efforts in Palestine, Lebanon, and beyond.

View Our Sustainability Resources →

Community is the foundation for all change at micro and macro, local and global scales. We’re working to cultivate vibrant, genuine, and respectful spaces for designers to come together.

In response to a palpable lack of welcoming, vibrant, and engaged design spaces and events that focused on curiosity, creativity, and connection, TOOOT teammates Jonny and Giorgia started Designers Openly Opposing Outsize Disconnectedness (DOOOD) in 2022.

Rotating hosts from the Bay Area design community lead regular events open to the public, including civic design workshops, happy hours, critical theory reading groups, listening parties, movie nights, and more!

See Community Events →

The Office of Ordinary things is located on the unceded lands of the Yelamu people of the Ramaytush Ohlone.

The Office of
Ordinary Things